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Full text of "USPTO Patents Application 09830434"

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(11) Publication number 08300252 A 
(43) Date of publication of application: 19 . l 

(51) Int. CI 

B24B 37/00 
B24B 1/00 
B24B 37/04 
B24B 57/02 
HOI L 21/304 

(21) Application number: 07127391 

(71) Applicant: 


(22) Date of filing: 28 . 04 . 95 

(72) Inventor: 

miyazawa YOSHIHIRO 

(54) abrasive: cloth and grinding machine 


(57) Abstract: 

PURPOSE: To provide abrasive cloth and a grinding 
machine suited to this abrasive cloth, capable of 
feeding abrasive surfece with grinding fluid unformly 
with a required quantity neither more nor less. 

CONSTITUTION: This abrasive cloth 10 consists of a 
polyurethane foam grinding fluid content layer 12 of 
0.5mm to 3mm in thickness, with an abrasive surface on 
an upper surface, and a grinding fluid permeative base 
layer 14 of 4mm in thickness. This base layer 14 is 
composed of a grinding fluid permeative material in 
order to feed the grinding fluid content layer 12 with 
the grinding fluid after being permeated from a lower 
part of the base layer 14, for example, foaming material 
such as polyurethane foam or polystyrene or the like or 
nonwoven fabric material. This grinding fluid 
permeativeness means a property of permeating the 
grinding fluid, and grinding grain size to be contained 
in the grinding fluid is a range firom about 0.01 Mm to 
several ^m. so that this grinding fluid permeativeness 
in the base layer 14 must be grinding permeative 
properties to pass through this size of grinding grain size. 


(mummff (J p) ^ !j^p 1^ ^ ^ (A) 


(43)4^110 ¥^8^(1996)11^190 

B24B 37/00 

HOIL 21/304 


F I 

B2 4B 37/00 

HOIL 21/304 3 2 IE 

iSW* ai*JaC0»6 FD 9 H) ®»MtjK< 


(21) asmn 

♦SH¥7- 127391 





SD^a/riKJfcift/ll 6 TB 7 #35^ 

^« ^ 

*^ajilMta;i| 6 TB 71135^ vr: 


*^iB/ilE«ft;il6TB74K5# vr: 

(54) [»Mco«»] w»ffli7DXRwese 
(57) imm] 

*W«ffi ^ n >^ 1 0 fi. ±^ffi(c-9FliB 1 1 
t*«^$i^TV^5o WUffiSJStttfi, W«f^iSrS*S^ 




#ll¥8-3 0 0 2 5 2 


[000 1] 

mm^ hitmmmmimu Ht^pjNatc 

[0 0 0 2] 

g! 9 K^-tX 0 JfeWJg^S 4 0 Sr'ttffl LTV^So Wli^ 

4 2t. Iiie^«4 2^|alte^*5liltett4 4 W« 
ffl ^ o ;^ G {cwe^ilr^irr •5W^tt*&/W 4 6 

fcoTtt, [iIfett4 4©^t){c|Hlte;t^4 2trlHl^$-t- 

oo, o ;^ G (r>±Mmmwm^^'^^ -f^&t^ 

[0 0 0 3] tie5l5®Wlgffl;!'c;;?.G{Ctt. ;*;SiJLT> H 

10 (a) (c^-rJ;5(-, ^BlcWiiBit-^U 

jKJJ i^ViJfV^O^ja^rd^fj^iSJf^O. 5nimd^e>3iiim 

(o^mmm 2 1 , mmmmm 2 ^5:j$-r s?^© 

o;^4t, mo (b) (C;^-t-J: 5 tc, SlO (a) © 

w^ffl c ^ 4 2 {;i'f^^T. mmmm 

mm** 3 rm<JmmSLmkm 5 Sr^-f 5 WSffl ^' n ;^ 6 t 
:JS*)-5o Wlg^^a^G±^;:?gT^^^fcW^g«^^, 1219 
(b) tc*-rJ:5l-. W^?eetS:tSf«2X«5(caJtz, * 
fc(l#*Lfc^^fl|-e[ilte^^4 2 t !J'3./NW©+i*figill 
(cJ;?)W^ffil|c«*&$ti-S. cr-e, 139 (a) ttE 
8(DTOia-efc9. 09 (b) t4EI9 (a) ©^I-I 


s o I w^n%^Wi.^wmmm<n> ^ ^/><d 

ig^SrWS^ttS&^-^'f 7"!- J; o T±*A^ f>W«ffl ^' p ^ 


[0 0 0 5] ±j^(Dmm\m^. ^^m\t. mmm^m 

[00 0 6J 

[0 0 0 7] mmm^mMiz.^^'t^^muxit^^m^ 

0. 0 1 urn t^hWjim ^—:^m<om 30 

Jo 0 0 8] ^fc. ^^m{z.^^m(Dmm^^u:^\t. 
[0 0 0 91 wmm^mmmm^ii%:iffLx-<-:^M(o 

[0 0 101 ^fc. *^egf->eg^M{^]SU(OWliffli!^nx 

5) #0S¥8-3OO252 


loo 1 13 weiK'^oW*iffi|a©;*:#$;jso. oi/i 
[0 0 12] ±EiWSr^fig1-5fc«)t, 

Wit LTV^5„ 

[0 0 13] :^^m<D»m^£mmmmii. mmmm^m 
[0 0 14] ^^m\z^i>m(Dmmmw\t. mm 
^^mm-t^mmmuxh-ox. mmmt. ±m{cmm 

lJ:»^$itT0te#t*{c[HlC1-5(a]fex-p'/vi;, |hI 
t, ffi!!St?WSfflj5'p;^©W«JSiagS(cg|i^i-5if2W 

[0 0 15] mm^m. fsimmmmmRx^m2mm 
mm^\t. mmm^mmir^:k^$^ii.^i:u mis 

^'^(OmMmLOA^^iiiO. 01 i)>^Wnm Xh 


[0 0 163 

'rmmmm^^^-<-:^iSKmn^^\ x\mmmm 
[0 0 1 7j m^m4\cmm<ommmm-v\t. mm^m 
[0 0 181 m^mQK^mmmmx\t. m2mm 

[0 0 1 9J 

immmi sir. ^#giESr#Mt. mmmK&-5\^x 

-rsfBEi'^. mi (a) \tm^m^mm'^>^muxM^ 
^ivfzm. mi ih) nmmm^mmt^^m^uxm^ 
:^i\.fcmxh^o ^mmmommM^t^p^i o\t. mi 
(a) (;i^i-j;5(-> ±mm{mmmi i^^-r^m^ 

[00 2 01 1 4 It. -<-;^i 1 4 <or:^f}>h 

fk^^v ^i'\y:y^<Dm^x\tyfmmxm^^tix\^ 

v\ mmmKt^ivmmmLoi^^ o. oin 

^-t^^^mt^h^o mi (b) fc^-tWSffl^nxi 6 

ti. w^ffl:^^n;^i oogfe^w-T^fcor. mmm^ms 

i^TV^5r^S^^V^Ts Hi (a) {ZTr^tmm^^ u:^ 

1 o<om^tmzxh6o 
[0 0 2 11 mmM^ti:;^<Dmmm2 
m 2 \t:^^mK^mm^^n:^(ommm2<Dm^^^^ 
tmmmx. 1112 (a) \mmmumsmi^uxM^ 
^ivtcm. 112 (b) \mmm^mMi^>^miUxm^ j 


(4) #BB¥8-3 0 0 2 5 2 


^ivfcmxh^, 112 (a) lc^-f**JEM(OW«ffl^ 
^:^20\t. ^mmi<omB^^\^:^l 0, 16(D-<- 
1 4 |Cft;;t.T. m(Dm^O-<-^M 2 2 ^^tx.TV^ 

[ 0 0 2 2 1 2 2 It, El 2 (a) |C 

^i- J; 5 (c, -<-;^l 2 2 c>Tfi!l;^»>^W»*^t%«S l 2 

\mmm^mBi~Mci^\z.^ -<-:^m2 2<DTm^tbw 
mm^mm 1 2 -^x^-^^m 2 2 :;^fp](cw^«tt 

10 *&?L 2 4 ^5^{t T fe §0 W^*g?«t*&7L 2 4 cD?L@ll. W 
2 Oco¥ffi*JS:UfjE«|^£D:^-tt^^«/^^;i 

iif-. Wli»tt$&?L2 4 0?Li^{t. iEfiltcit, ^ffll--^ 

:^^^flii^O. 0 1 Mm ;6^?>a;/m -efc^^^^^g; 

•tSa;. 1 urn '^^^ljmUA<Di^^^XMi\^\ i^tc. W 
liffitt«&?L 2 4 ft, :©-^ce^>*-e-<-;=; ji 2 2 O-^Mc 

mthfc±mmmmmxt. x\t. mm^mmxh. 

[0 0 2 31122 (h) \z.^i-mmm^xi:?^2 6\t. m 

mm^n:^2 o<D^^mxh<>x. mmmm^m i s 

^r^^S^^V^T. 02 (a) Ci^-TWUffl n >^ 2 0 

[0 0 2 41 mm^^xiy^(DmMm2 

30 m®iiit?. E3 (a) nmm^^mmt^^^uxm^ 
^kitm. gi3 (b) \wcmmm&mfi^y^im^xm^ 

^Mmxh^, 113 (a) K7f^ir:^mMm<D%mm^ 
n;^30ft. mmmi<ommm^n:;^\o^ 16(0-<- 
1 4 tcftx.T. j5UO«^(0-<-;:^g3 2^^i;iTV^ 
6^^§rm>T. *JSMlOW«ffl^axi 0^:lnlD« 

[0 0 2 51 *^iSfll<DWllffl^a:^3 0£D^-y^^3 

2\z\t. ^-7sm3 2<ommf>^h^<D&mKmtmf\^ 
m^-t^mmmm^mi 3 4 . w«*^«^*&«dFL 3 4 
40 mmmmkm 1 2 \mmm^m < fz^\mmmmi^m. 
^3 Af>^t:>j^^^\^xm)3\P\\mmmw^m 1 2t.xmu 
^mmm^^muz e tfi^f^^bmmmmm^wtnxh 

W«ffift*&«?L3 4SUf^?L3 6 0?L^lt, iE?|(c 

(;i^^ix§ W*«S»0;^^ ^ (tait 0 . 0 1 // m 

jum 1 ixm f)^hlmm&(Di^ 

Pt. mx.\iyfmii^xm^^iix\^^m^\u^. mmm 



^^mth^. ma 41*. mon^^u-^ 

[0 0 2 63 133 (b) lC*fWSffl^o;^3 814, W 

igffl ^ n ;^ 3 0 oiSc^mxhcx, m^sn^mM i s *5 

5rtSrK^V^T. 03 (a) t^fWllffl^ o;:^ 3 0© 
[0 0 2 7J ffg^BOjlife^Jl 

mi-^^mmmxh^, ^lyswown^g 5 o i4> 10 

0,26 ®V^•f tvd^Sr3£S±|cS« tT»«^W«-t-S 

mmmnxhox. @4[c:^i-<j;5(-, iHitett5 2t, 

j£gi5-t?|H]tett5 2{c-#6tliC3iig$^i, iItef45 2©lHl 

^m^^^^Mmset. mm5 6\mLx^(DTim 

T^-eiiitett5 2(;iii^^nrv^5, ia^tt5 2©tts 
gpiiitt, mmmw^^ e 0 ;as(Bi^ii 5 2 20 

ilU ^^oHftT^-iZ/vs 4©Mg55 8(cac■5J:5l- 
E 0 0 2 8 ) 36^ 5 6 -h{c§IJfe^J 1 XtiMMm 2 ©W» 
ffli>a;<10, 16, 2OX^^2 6<D^^-f^^;0^^lrlfi* 
L, Wig«tt*&l^6 0^^LTfF^?flESr*S&i-5t, W 

Wlgffl^p;^20. 2 6©WSjS«i^?L2 6 J;>)W®jBf 30 

12,18 mmmm 5 o o^mm 
it. mm<Dmi^:&mm^^x. -^Mmmmm o t 

[0029J mm^m(omm«2 
0 5(4, :^mimmmmw<oMmm2(Dmm^^ 

mmmix\tmmm2(Dmm^^^:^io. i6, 2 

0, 2 6©v^•f^^*^S^^t^±lcS«L■CS«SrW«1-S 

w»^st?feo -c, MJt«aj 1 mmmw 5 0 5 6 

r , mm 1 owa^g 5 0 <om^ t ^ zm^m^x 

1 0 0 3 0 3 :^mmmmmmw 7 0 im» ^titc^m 
7 2{c\t. i(Drmi^h>±mz.\Pii>^ox^m<onmiL7 
4 ifi^-t£^^x^m 7 2 (D-^m^mu Lfc^ffi^^gB 

i^SWfl®&®;^:#^?l4ii^0. O 1 >0^6.^;jbi f 
fcSrtSr^it-rSi:, 1 /jin *^P> InmgftO;*:^ ^-C 


WBI¥8-3 00 2 5 2 


[ 0 0 3 1 3 y£« 7 2 ±iz.mmm i xt* hjs^j 2 ©wg 

ffi^o;^10, 16, 2 0St/2 6(0^^■fi^:^l»^^|fi* 

L, mmmm^Goi'ffLxmmm^mm-^t. w 

^ttJSgP 5 8 RV^mmH 7 4 Sr^fr LTffgffi ^ n ;^ i 

0,16 0mm^mm^<D-<-:^s 1 4 xi4w*ffl a 

/^2 0, 2 6©W*jK«^?L2 4 J: t)WSJS«l 1 
2, 18JCPJS1-5. W«^*7 0©aif^;^)*l4, W« 

[0 0 3 23 W^ilg©gliSg!l3 

WSffl ^ ct ;^ (omw 1 X(4lllfe^J 2 ©V ^-fiM^^^m 

±Km^Lxms.^mm-rmmmmxhoXs mmm 
1 ommmw. 5 0 ©gffi 5 6 Ki^^x. smm0.<r)Mm. 

8 2*5^i;te>i^TV^5rttr^V^T, ^»Jl©WJg» 
^5 0©«^^:|^Dffl[^ig|:ffi;tT^^5o *^iil»J®WS 
SB 8 0 (;:Klt btifeSffi 8 2 (c(4, ^©±ffl(c|5:|=f:K 
(;:;^fil 8 4 d5^(t * ©«ISI 8 4 (c:e3i1-5«^ 8 
6dSfe«8 2©ffl|ffi(c«^(c^lJK$i^■rv^5. 

[ 0 0 3 3 3 ^« 8 2 ±\zmMm 1 XHHJS^SJ 2 ©WH 
fflj!'p;^10, 16, 2 0St^2 6©v^-fti';a^^l£« 

L, mmmm^6o%:^Lxmmm^^^-r^t. m 
mmmu5 8. ik^^xtma sR-amms i^mxm 

m^^rJ7.lO. 1 6®W^}g3^tt©^-;^Jil 4X 
(4««ffi^'o;^2 0, 2 6©W»j«tt*&7L2 4<t»)W» 

12,18 mm^m s o ©gif^;^ 

i£(4, W«^©tt«&:;^&Srm^r, «65ls®w«sm4 o 

[0 0 3 43 mmmm(ommm4 

1117(4, *«M(:i#5W^^«®IIJi«^J4©^|f|!«^;^ 

^■rm^mmmxh?>. *iiji^j©wg^s9 0(4, 
3 ©waffl o ;^ 3 0 , 3 8 ^&m±Km^ lx 
mimmtmmmmxho r , gi ? (^^1-4 5 

|lIfeW9 2 1, i£gSt?|5iie#9 2(>:-(^^«)(;:iiife$^^, 
ISlfettg 2©llIfei:*(c-#:Wlc|@lte1-5lHl^x-://w 

9 4i:, »iwiijgjtt«&gs9 6i:, ^2mmmmm9 

8i:A^e>«[^$^^TV^5o « 1 9 6 (4, |h| 

te$*9 2(DmB:^mcmmi9 2(D^-^.^^nmLxwi 

ltf>tu-CV^5„ Ii]te7'-y'/v9 4(4, ±ffl(!:W*ffl^'a 
^Sra«^-&5;fc>?)©S«9 6lr±a5l-'lix., TlaS-eiSl 
teW 9 2 (C»^$^^-CV^S, m 2 Wlg«#*&i^ 9 8 (4, 

^a:^3 0. 3 8 ©WS}eJ«i^«?L 3 4 (c«i!^L-CV> 

[0 0 3 53 Mm9Q±\cmmm3omm^i'o:;K3 
0,38 ©v^-f ^^^^^lfi«f L, ^ 1 mmmmmQ o ^ 

9 8SrSrWfiffli!'n;^3 0, 3 8 ©'<-;^S 3 2 ©W 




112, i8iciy]it5. 

[00 3 6J 

^Ur^^|cS«$^t.fcit*:5 1 3 {cE«©Wlgffl 
^ o tCiJJg/ia:®W^iKSriS>FS* < , *>o*&-(;i« 

[HI J ^mK^smmi'^^ommnimm 

®, Ell (b) !iW^?S{*^Ji*57f;]^#(Ot>©-efc 

[112] ^mmmmm^^^:^<DmMm2<Dm^^ 
CO, 02 (b) \mmm^mMf>^^u^u<Dh(D'r^h 

<D, ms (b) \mmmi^m-^^^^w<oh<D'r^h 
[1114 1 1 ommm 

[09J 09 (a) \ms(ommmm<o^mm. 09 
(b) 1^09 (a) omi-i-r^mmm-^h^o 

010 (a) mmmmMmm<oi>(D. no 

* [^-^o|ft?g3 

1 mmm 

2. 5 w 

4, 6 %M<omm^i^^:^ 

10 WSffl^PXcoHJIWIl 

12 mmmmM 

1 4 -<-;^l 

1 6 WUffl i!' n ;^ 0^»J 1 (O^mi 

10 1 8 w^ie^tsjKi 

20 Wllffl^n>^<D||Jfif!)2 

2 2 

2 4 mmmm^ 

2 6 Wllffl:?'n;^(Diafi^J10gfi:^M 

3 0 mmK^^^(omMm3 

3 2 

3 4 mmmmmn 

3 6 W^?g^ftm?L 

3 8 W^ffl^nX(^||J6«fll3C)^^«^!l 

20 4 0 m^ommmn 

4 2 0^^^ 

4 4 m^tt 
4 6 

4 8 

5 0 Wg^ff(D||Jg«^J 
5 2 lEieW 

5 4 lElfiT-:/7l^ 

5 6 ^ffi 

30 6 0 w^Mtti&ies 

7 0 mmmw:<ommm2 

7 2 ^ffi 
74 mm 

8 0 mmmm<omMm3 

8 2^^ 

8 4 

8 6 i^SI 

9 0 mmm<ommm4 

9 2 iHl^W 

40 94 \B\UT--'f/l^ 

9 6 ^l©fS?^«*&g& 

9 8 fS2mmmm^ 


#M¥8-300 25 2 

[117] [1^8] 


(9) «fBI¥8-3 0 0 2 5 2 

(51) Int. CI. « mm^ iT(^sa#-§- fi ^m^^m 

HOIL 21/304 3 2 1 HOIL 21/304 3 2 IZ